Thursday, April 14, 2011

Emerging from Hibernation

Synthesis. Of the element of air, thought, intellect. This is a time of putting together many threads. I have been on the receptive tip for some time now, taking in information from a multiplicity of sources. This is part of the ebb and flow over time in the cycles of things, honoring where I am. There are manyfold steps all keeping to the path, many perspectives. Like moving around the labyrinth, the medicine wheel, to return in overlapping layers, every time deeper and closer to center, to truth of living in right relationship.

I return to the base of my creative intention, check myself on my concern for "being seen" for the sake of fulfilling an ego-driven quest, reflect upon this in the many communities I've tread through for years. Spending time outside the U.S. reveals to me some of the assumptions I've taken for granted. That there is somehow inherent self-indulgence in the work of being an artist/activist/magic-maker. This feels now like a vain American take on things.

For some time, I've been exploring the reality of my expression serving as a channel for energies, truths, needs greater than purely my own. How can I listen ever more deeply, with humility, to increasingly wider circles of existence, digest, synthesize and offer this back in a way it can best be received and affect change in relationships? In identification of kinship? If we feel in relationship and kinship to all that is, we cannot conscionably continue to destroy in our daily activities, dealings, in supporting the systems and institutions that are so out of balance and out of control.

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